CROM Update: 004

Drawing Depth: Art Direction Evolved in Claiming Skull-Biter Crom comic edits

In the fourth episode of the "Crom Updates Podcast," Kurt Brugel and Jake Jacobs continue their discussion on the art direction for Kurt's "Claiming Skull-Biter Crom" comic. They provide a detailed critique of Kurt's original pencil drawings from 2015, with the goal of improving the artwork.

Jake Jacobs offers advice on various aspects of the comic’s visuals, including adjusting lighting for clearer transitions, tweaking font styles for readability, and modifying gray tones for definition. They talk about enhancing the reader's experience by making the comic more dynamic and ensuring the text integrates well with the art.

Additionally, Jake suggests adding elements such as speed lines, more detailed backgrounds, and shading to convey movement and depth. They emphasize the importance of defining characters’ expressions and poses and balancing light and dark areas to guide the reader's eye.

The conversation is a mix of specific artistic guidance and broader discussions on how to make the comic visually compelling and coherent. Jake’s critique is meant to help Kurt refine his work for a polished and engaging final product.

Watch the CROM Update 004 Video:

Jake Jacobs is the co-host, writer, and penciler with Me (Kurt Brugel), inker and co-author on the Making Turbo Pit-fighter Podcast.

Use these links to find out more about Jake Jacobs

Use these links to find out more about Kurt Brugel


CROM Update: 005


CROM Update: 003